Efficacy of phototherapy to treat facial aging when using a red versus an amber LED

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Open Access Recent data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) have shown that the average life expectancy of the Brazilian population has increased from 66 years in 1991 to 75 years in 2016. This is similar to the increase that has been verified on worldwide popu- lation. The challenge faced by science in the last few years has been the development of procedures and technolo- gies that aim to delay the signs of ageing and increase the quality of life of elderly people, by achieving a healthy skin.5 Nowadays, the procedures in use aim to promote a cosmetic benefit and an improvement in the quality of the skin, increasing self-esteem, with a reduction in skin infections. As a result, these procedures can contribute to a longer and healthier life. Among the technologies being used to promote skin repair are dermocosmetics, as well as equipment such as radiofrequency, phototherapy (intense pulsed light, laser and light-emitting diodes (LEDs)) and microneedles.6–9 Phototherapy is a non-invasive procedure that has been used for tissue repair and healing.10 11 The treatment is based on the use of a light-emitting device, and the resulting photons are absorbed by the biological tissues, promoting photochemical, photophysical and photobi- ological actions. Phototherapy is not ablative, nor does it promote thermal effects, since the devices that are used in phototherapy are low-powered lasers and LEDs; that is, there is no cutaneous damage and no need for any recovery time.12 The LED devices are produced in a wide range of wavelengths, from UV through the visible to infrared spectrum (247–1300nm). When compared with laser, the LED devices have lower cost and have being used in instruments that can illuminate larger surfaces. Studies have shown that LEDs can be used in therapeutic procedures with excellent results.10 13 14 The use of LEDs in clinical practice has increased significantly, and their main use has been in wound healing, tissue repair and rejuvenation since they do not cause trauma or tissue destruction.15 Some findings have suggested that if suitable parameters are used, the light acts on skin regeneration by modulating cellular activity and collagen expression, with a decrease in matrix metalloprotein- ases.16 Usually, the wavelengths are chosen by the func- tion that is needed for the purpose of the therapy. The wavelengths in the blue range (400–470nm) are mainly used in the treatment of acne.17 The wavelengths in the green range (500–570nm) have shown their ability to induce proliferation of fibroblasts, as well as production and maturation of the collagen fibres.18 19 The infrared range (700–1200nm) accelerates the healing process of lesions in the skin, increases proliferation of cell differen- tiation, as well as contributes to an increase in the extra- cellular matrix.20 21 Many in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies have demon- strated the anti-inflammatory, repair, skin rejuvenation and healing effects that are promoted by red light.11 22 For an amber light, a study that was published by Smith23 in 2005 showed that it is absorbed by keratinocytes, mela- nocytes, as well as for the cells of Merkel and Langerhans, which are all of extreme importance in the maintenance of the epidermis. Both of these wavelengths are absorbed by cytochrome c oxidase; however, it is considered that the red light penetrates deeper into the skin than the amber light due to the presence of melanin.24–26 Given this back- ground, this work will aim to evaluate the percentages of reduction in the volume of periocular wrinkles when treated with red and amber LEDs. MEthods And AnAlysIs study design This will be a controlled, randomised, double-blind, split- face, cross-over and unicentric clinical trial. This protocol has been written based on the guidelines of the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT). The study will be performed in the ambulatory of the Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), São Paulo, Brazil. Dissemination and registration for participation in the study will be conducted through the UNINOVE website, and the recruited participants will mainly be residents of the city of São Paulo. The participants will be informed about the research, proce- dures, risks and benefits, and they will sign the informed consent form. Only those participants who have read and have agreed to sign the informed consent form will be included in the study. The study will last for 2 years, with a start date of May 2018. The study is not recruiting yet. After recruitment, the researcher will check if the patient meets the inclusion/exclusion criteria based on anamnesis and skin evaluation. Anamnesis is an interview performed by the health professional to know patients’ medical and aesthetics treatment history, as well as daily personal and social habits, which may have an influence on treatment outcome. Regarding the daily personal and social habits, anamnesis will include information on sun exposure, smoking and drinking frequency, sleep quality, dietary habits, water intake, professional aesthetics treat- ment on the face and homecare cosmetics use. Anam- nesis was not validated since it is not an instrument to measure patient outcome.27 Skin evaluation, which will be performed by a medical doctor (IdSD), includes skin phototype and degree of severity of the wrinkles. Patients will receive information on the importance of the use of sunscreen on skin health, preventing skin cancer and wrinkles. Patient and public involvement statement Patients and/or the public were not involved in the design, recruitment to and conduct of the study. Inclusion criteria This study will be conducted in women (40–65 years old) with skin phototypes II, III and IV on the Fitzpatrick Scale, and with signs of ageing III and IV on the Glogau Scale. Exclusion criteria This study will exclude the following participants: 2 Rocha Mota L, et al. BMJ Open 2018;8:e021419. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-021419

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