
Google Globally-Distributed Database

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[36] Yair Sovran et al. “Transactional storage for geo-replicated sys- tems”. Proc. of SOSP. 2011, pp. 385–400. [37] Michael Stonebraker. Why Enterprises Are Uninterested in NoSQL. 2010. [38] Michael Stonebraker. Six SQL Urban Myths. 2010. [39] Michael Stonebraker et al. “The end of an architectural era: (it’s time for a complete rewrite)”. Proc. of VLDB. 2007, pp. 1150– 1160. [40] Alexander Thomson et al. “Calvin: Fast Distributed Transac- tions for Partitioned Database Systems”. Proc. of SIGMOD. 2012, pp. 1–12. [41] Ashish Thusoo et al. “Hive — A Petabyte Scale Data Ware- house Using Hadoop”. Proc. of ICDE. 2010, pp. 996–1005. [42] VoltDB. VoltDB Resources. 2012. A Paxos Leader-Lease Management The simplest means to ensure the disjointness of Paxos- leader-lease intervals would be for a leader to issue a syn- chronous Paxos write of the lease interval, whenever it would be extended. A subsequent leader would read the interval and wait until that interval has passed. TrueTime can be used to ensure disjointness without these extra log writes. The potential ith leader keeps a lower bound on the start of a lease vote from replica r as vleader = TT.now().earliest, computed before esend (de- i,r i,r fined as when the lease request is sent by the leader). Each replica r grants a lease at lease egrant, which hap- pens after ereceive (when the replica receives a lease re- i,r quest); the lease ends at tend = TT.now().latest + 10, i,r computed after ereceive. A replica r obeys the single- i,r vote rule: it will not grant another lease vote until TT.after(tend) is true. To enforce this rule across different incarnations of r, Spanner logs a lease vote at the grant- ing replica before granting the lease; this log write can be piggybacked upon existing Paxos-protocol log writes. Published in the Proceedings of OSDI 2012 14 i,r When the ith leader receives a quorum of votes (event equorum), it computes its lease interval as i leader leasei = [TT.now().latest, minr (vi,r ) + 10]. The lease is deemed to have expired at the leader when TT.before(min (vleader) + 10) is false. To prove disjoint- r i,r ness, we make use of the fact that the ith and (i + 1)th leaders must have one replica in common in their quo- rums. Call that replica r0. Proof: lease .end = min (vleader) + 10 i ri,r (by definition) (min) (by definition) (causality) (by definition) (single-vote) (causality) (by definition) minr(vleader) + 10 i,r ≤ vleader + 10 i,r0 send ≤ tabs(ei,r0) + 10 leader + 10 + 10 + 10 tend i,r0 vi,r0 tabs (esend ) i,r0 tabs (ereceive ) i,r0 ≤ tabs (ereceive ) + i,r0 ≤ tend i,r0 < tabs (egrant ) i+1,r0 ≤ tabs (equorum ) i+1 ≤ leasei+1 .start 10 tabs (egrant ) i+1,r0 tabs (equorum ) i+1 i,r

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