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MEASURING INFLUENCE ON INSTAGRAM: A NETWORK-OBLIVIOUS APPROACH ( measuring-influence-on-instagram-network-oblivious-approach )

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MEASURING INFLUENCE ON INSTAGRAM: A NETWORK-OBLIVIOUS APPROACH 4 linear combination of values in the training set and while this result in a better ranker, the predicted value more often overshoots. Due to resource and time constraints we ran the PageR- ank algorithm a subset of 10% of the users, resulting in an rs score of 0.673. These results, only better then the followers baseline, are to be expected given Instagram’s flow of information, as discussed in Section 2. TABLE 1 R2 and rs statistics for regression models [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] D. Brown and S. Fiorella, Influence marketing: How to create, manage, and measure brand influencers in social media marketing. Que Publishing, 2013. N. Zietek, “Influencer marketing: the characteristics and compo- nents of fashion influencer marketing,” 2016. A. Ha, “An experiment: Instagram marketing techniques and their effectiveness,” 2015. Y. 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In our work, we did not consider the temporal nature of influence, i.e., the influence of a user is likely to change over time. The rate of change may even depend on the influence itself, as per the rich get richer phenomenon [38]. Lastly, only simple user and posts statistics were used in this work. We believe the use of more complex features would result in stronger models and a better ranking algo- rithm. These features can be post specific, from the simple ”day of the week” to complex ”contains faces” [39], [40], user specific, e.g. the user’s age or common content type [41], [42], or features relating to a user’s audience, such as audience location or age [43], [44]. REFERENCES [1] R. M. Morgan and S. D. Hunt, “The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing,” The journal of marketing, pp. 20–38, 1994. [2] R. Scoble and S. Israel, Naked conversations: how blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers. John Wiley & Sons, 2005. [3] A. Al-Bahrani and D. 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