
SwissTour Alpine Tour - Switzerland Geneva - Nyon - United Nations

TEL: +1 608-238-6001 Email: greg@cruisingreview.com

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2006 Date: 9/29/2006

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Friday - Geneva - Lac Leman


Had breakfast at 10:00 a.m. then met Carole, Alexandre and their kids down at the lake to go on a cruise on Lac Leman.

United Nations visitor ID Card.

Saleve cable car receipt.

Store receipt.

UN Store receipt.

Saleve cable car ticket.

Saleve cable car info.

Acrylic Holiday tree.

Lac Leman tour boat - free with SwissPass.

The famous fountain.

Looking back at the river which flows through Geneva.

Sophie and Pepe.

Pepe and Jane with fountain in the background.

Fountain and column.

Lake tour boat - steam powered.

Tour boat.

Tour boat.

This is a beautiful tour boat - the details are amazing and still steam powered. The Swiss have a knack for building things that last.

Gas station - both gas an diesel about $6.00 US per gallon.

Downtown Nyon - a beautiful city outside of Geneva on the way to Laussane.

Small castle at Nyon - originally a Roman city.


Nyon Sculpture

After our boat ride, we had lunch on the lake, then took a car ride to Nyon, a beautiful lakeside city on the outskirts of Geneva.

United Nations

United Nations

After Nyon, and my successful search for some Lucky Luke comic books, Sophie dropped us off at the United Nations so we could take their tour (in English).

Organizational chart at the U.N.

Assembly room at U.N.

Assembly room at U.N.

Peacocks roam the grounds at the U.N.

The bus to the French border - just in the suburbs of Geneva.

A view from Saleve - high above Geneva.

Another view of Geneva.

A view of Lac Leman, the largest freshwater lake in western Europe.

Cable Car


After our tour of the United Nations, we caught the bus near the French border, walked across, and caught the last cable car up to Saleve, high above Geneva.


Cable Car

Even though the restaurant was closed, the view was spectacular on the near vertical cliff above Geneva. The cables are near vertical.


1097 Meters

The cable car takes you to nearly 3,000 feet.



Another view of the near vertical descent.

High Winds

Wind Warning

The last ride down was delayed due to high winds. A little LED lights up when the winds are considered dangerous - so we waited about 15 minute for them to calm down. The operator on the way up said you can always tell how strong the wind is by looking at the fountain in Lac Leman. Since there was no payphone nearby, the operator down at the station let us use his cell phone to call Sophie to come pick us up. I found the French would go out of their way to help us. Even though we spoke no French, they did their best to understand our English and give us assistance. Sophie picked us up and we crossed the border back into Switzerland. I was glad Sophie was there, since we did not have our passports with us. I'm not sure it would have mattered - the border is very lax here. Sophie said alot of Albanians come across the border - and the theft in and around Geneva is quite high. Everyone has a burgler alarm installed. Carole told us that she was home once when one broke into her apartment. We ordered pizza and ate in that evening, and had Carole join us on our last night in Geneva.

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