Streamlining: The Art of Building a YouTube Video

Streamlining The Art of Building a YouTube Video

CruisingReview Maldives: Video Streamlining Example

Streamlining The Art of Building a YouTube Video

Filming Strategy:

Make many small 5-10 second clips, instead of one huge clip, which has to be heavily edited. Landscape mode.

Flowchart Video


Develop a strategy and playbook (outline) on what the video will be about, types of shots, props and scenes.

Davinci Resolove is great video editing software

DaVince Resolve Software:

This high quality BlackMagic software is free for standard quality (high resolution version $300). Excellent for beginners.

MacBook Pro 16 is the editors choice

Apple MacBookPro 16 Inch:

The vloggers choice is the MacBookPro 16. Make editing portable, so you can be comfortable when and where you edit. With the new M1 chip, it's even faster.

Acrylic page holder

Why develop a strategy ?

Why develop a strategy ? If you just jump into a new task, you’ll find yourself in trial-and-error mode. If you have lots of time to waste, this is not a big deal. If you want to optimize your time (and frustration), then develop a plan, and follow it. The best innovators, producers, and successful people have one thing in common, they develop a methodology and use that as the backbone of whatever they do. Some failure is inevitable, but success is measured by how quickly you can get something done, with the least amount of resources used (time being your most valuable asset).

Observe - Learn - Adapt: I’ve watch countless hours of videos on how to make YouTube videos, but more important, I’ve shadowed a few YouTube groups online and during my travels. What they reveal is important to your evolution of building YouTube videos. The most common theme ? Wasting time. Yes, spending lots of time for meaningless shots or perfection.

Organize Footage First: The biggest waste of time is just filming one huge A Roll of footage, which chews up huge amounts of memory (which results in more time spent trying to upload footage to a remote server, or even worse, shutting down your camera or smartphone because there is no more storage left). This all leads to frustration, a downgraded experience, or even worse, missing that great shot because there is simply no more storage left.

The biggest take-away from this is to plan in advance the shots and scenes you want to create. Observe what others have done on Instagram and YouTube. This gives you an idea of what works (they have plenty of time invested in shots that did not make it to production). Use that as leverage to the money shot.

As for that A Roll (tells the story and primary footage, while B Roll is supplementary support), take short 5-10 second sequences. If you need longer, take longer. What I have observed is that taking a 15 minute huge one length segment, lends itself to depleted memory, and huge amounts of editing time to make cuts. Instead, several short segments tell the story, and can easily be sequenced in order. While this is harder to do in action segments, it gives you a huge advantage over everyone else, who does one huge take. You’ll end up with less memory usage, and more meaning full takes.

Organizing Prior Editing on the Video Application:

If you can organize all your video and audio files in one folder (labeled with the date first then title example 20200218-my-first-youtube-video), then you can easily drop them right into the editing timeline (or into the assets section of the video editor) and they will be already in the correct sequence. To do this, look through your clips and audio, and rename the filename with a number, so they are automatically in squence. You can always change the ordering later during the edit, but this can save huge amounts of time. Anything you can do outside of the editor will go faster.

My Camera Livery: (2) iPhone 11 Pro (unbeatable quality of photos and videos, great night shot, and super compact). A Olympus TG-5 4K video (always in landscape mode). This high quality image camera is also great underwater, and built like a tank. I have not purchased a larger camera, due to the portibility of high quality smaller ones. Compact cameras don’t take away from the experience.

Deploy (Post Production): Prior your longer YouTube upload, make a 1 minute trailer with great (epic) soundtrack. Post to social media. Get your audience excited about the release, and something to look forward to. If you don’t have a million subscribers (or followers on IG), then after you post the video, use AdWords to market your video (I bid $.01 and set a initial budget of $10 per day to get started). This not only helps your SEO and ranking, but gets you visibility in a sea of options (i.e. other videos). The goal is to get around 100,000 views, which gives you great exposure, and better ranking. This initial investment gets you way ahead of others, and is easy to do.

Pay to Promote: Using the promotion value-added strategy above will result in lots of views. In this day and age, purists are poor, optimizers are rich. YouTube rewards performance, both with better search ranking, but also with advertisers (after all, in our greed-based system, advertisers want the best reach for their money). Use their strategy to promote your own video. It works. Once you build a huge audience (subscribers), the momentum swing will go in your favor.

Correctly Forming YouTube Posts:

Be sure to correctly form your title, description, hashtags (less than 15 for the description which only three get posted under the video itself), and comma separated tags (single search words, and also with search phrases). If you have the discipline to correctly form a post, then the search engine spider and algorithm will reward you.

Add Links: I just signed up for Amazon Affiliates, so I can post my products in the description as links. My top links (in order) are:

1. Website (in this case

2. Top 10 product links

3. Software links (I’m developing apps such as TagzGen to help form proper IG and YouTube captions)

4. Referral links

YouTube Text Limitations (as of early 2020):

- Title 100 characters.

- Hashtags (more than 15, none get posted). Three get posted under the video. They recommend only relevant hashtags, so I suggest 3-5. Pick most relevant first (i.e. prioritize the most important first). If you chose 5, then I suggest a Who-What-When-Where-Why format (in priority order to your subject.

- Comma separated tags 500 characters.

- Description is limited to 1,000 characters, and only first 2-3 lines are visible on search (viewer has to click on more for full description, so make the first few lines your best pitch).

Tags Under Video:

At least in the USA, YouTube will publish either a location tag, or your first three hashtags, but not both. At this point, I’m not sure it’s worth putting in hashtags, unless it is for your specific site, since it just pulls visitors away from your content.

Make your Best Post the Best: Try to make the first upload of title, tags, description the best. I’ve tried to add hashtags for an edit after posting, and they do not appear under the video. So take some time to correctly form, spell-check, review, and then post. I call the review part of the post a pre-flight, since it’s similar to preparing your aircraft prior to flying.

TagzGen: I’m developing an app that correctly forms both InstaGram and YouTube posts, which make life a lot easier for posting descriptions (including alerts for limits mentioned above). This goes a long way to get you posting the correct text and data, quickly and efficiently. The goal is to streamline, and get your head out of your device and into the experience.

Elliptical Trainer with custom acrylic desktop for computer

Organize Your Workspace

Stand-Up Office: To prevent any back aches from sitting, I elect to stand up while working. This includes a stand-up desk, and desk-mounted computer on my elliptical trainer. While traveling I’ll stack up small chairs or pillows on a desk for a travel version of my stand-up desk. I used to get back backaches from sitting all day, but no more. You feel more energized and productive when standing. Be sure to wear comfortable tennis shoes, flip-flops, or other posture correct foot gear.

Lighting: Brighter earlier in the day, less bright in the evening. I buy inexpensive LED light sticks from Amazon. They brighten up a workspace and following circadian rhythms, brighter in the morning than afternoon to follow the days cycle.

Comfort Zone: Don’t underestimate the benefits of a comfortable workspace. It makes you more efficient. Having a workspace that’s alluring, makes it enduring. You’ll work much happier, and allows you to focus on creativity and streamlining.

Flash drives

Backup Options:

I now have two 4 Terrabyte drives for my condo, which go into secure storage while abroad, and have small 2 T drives for condo backup, and then 256G stick (C and iPhone lightning connectors). I do a flash backup every day while traveling on two stick devices, so I’m never more than a few hours out on missing data, if something catastrophic happens. Plan for the worse, and expect the best. If you’ve ever had a big computer crash, or lost data, you learn quickly.

Stand up desk

Computer Strategy:

I use a stand-up desk (custom built) and my elliptical trainer with a acrylic desktop mounted on it for my MacBook.

Over the past three decades, I’ve had a mix of MacBooks and desktop Macs.

I have a 13 inch MacBookPro that I travel with, for trips over two weeks (since I can do virtually everything from my iPhone 11 Pro including short movies). I just got a MacBookPro 16th to replace my outdated Mac Tower (Trashcan version). I did consider the mega Mac Pro, but after watching videos on it, it is overpriced, and simply is an overbuy for the applications I run. The reality is unless you have a professional video production studio, you can get by with less, for the same functionality (with only small time penalties during rendering). I love my MacBookPro 16inch, and am downsizing to just a MacBookPro 13, 16, and my iPhone 11 Pro (I also have a backup for travel that I take with me).

Benefits of Computing Portability: My new office is a portable one. For my condo workspace, I have a Elliptical Trainer with a custom built acrylic desktop, with a stationary 4K large screen monitor that I hookup my 13 inch, and now can also tether my 16 inch. I also have built a prototype flip-top cart desk for either computer, which I can use while on my exercise bike. This gives me twice the bang for the buck (I can workout and work at the same time). The portability of the MacBookPro also allows me to work on the sofa. While traveling, I can take either MacBookPro version, which gives me the flexibility of working on videos during those long flights, and the option to pop-up a YouTube video while abroad.

Flip top cart desk

Other Notes

PDF Q: Another secret project I’m working on, is a satellite search engine, that wildly promotes both your YouTube videos, and also your website. It’s been in development for about 10 years now (on-and-off) and will be optimized for YouTube shortly. It has allowed me exceptional Google search engine page rankings, and business. I built it using Filemaker (the worlds best user-friendly database), and it’s starting to get some real traction.

Funding: Don’t quit your day job, until you have at least $10,000 a month coming in. Yes, you heard right. Most important, have a separate product and revenue stream. If the all mighty YouTube drops your channel, how will you survive ? Affiliate links and commissions are great, but most are based on your YouTube channel, so have back-ups. Plan for the worst, but expect the best. If you have a product, then you can have other YouTubers promote it (affiliate commission sales). It’s a simple business model that works. Always focus on your website form and content. Make that the centric of your world. You control your website, not YouTube. The goal is to work more efficiently, streamline, and work less (time).

Streamlining The Art of Building a YouTube Video

Streamlining: The Art of Building a YouTube Video

Streamlining: The Art of Building a YouTube Video

Starting a YouTube Channel and learning how to produce a video is daunting. I started my channel just over a month ago, and have used streamlining to smooth out the process.

Learning is an evolutionary process, embrace it. You can start out famous, but you can build and learn during the way.

Seek out pro tips during your journey, and you’ll find the process more rewarding, and even develop your own hacks to help others.

Merging all the components together into a coherent video can be at times very difficult, but if you start simple, you’ll end up with a process that will take mold you into a professional.

The key with all of these elements is to not duplicate failure, and reduce time, to make a video.

The three major elements are presented below.

Follow this strategy and you’ll find that making a video can actually be fun. Content is king, but the deployment is the queen. Establish a strategy and follow it.

PRODUCT: Strategy: Instead of one huge clip, make smaller 5-10 second clips. Whenever possible reduce the longer clip into relevant short clips. This reduces editing time by 50 percent, saves memory, emphasizes content you want to capture.

If you’re filming to InstaGram and YouTube, try to film video in landscape, and still photos in portrait. Otherwise you need to film in both portrait and landscape mode to match your social media feed. If you can only choose one mode, make it landscape.

The best of both worlds is an app to use the multiple iPhone 11 Pro cameras to film both portrait and landscape.

Prior to opening your video editor, put clips and number in order in one folder, label with the title of the video. Spending time prior the editor will go much faster.

Select multiple sound tracks prior starting editor, put them into the same folder.

Save often. Crashes happen.

After trying Adobe Premeire and Apple Final Cut Pro, I decided on the free version of DaVince Resolve. It’s a better all-in-one platform to learn on, and produces incredible results. Reference YouTube videos on learning the program.

TIME: Develop a strategy and protocol for posting and making captions for your video. YouTube is the worlds second largest search engine, use it to your advantage.

YouTube Upload: Use TagzGen to form your written caption. Title, description (and links), tags, and less than 15 hashtags which appear under the video (who, what, when, where, how). Page ranking and SEO will soar.

YouTube Studio: put in your thumbnail, end card, subscribe, and other end elements. Simple and fast.

Promote: without followers, use Adsense to get views so you can earn your way to monetization.

Google YouTube

CruisingReview Maldives: Video Streamlining Example

Streamlining The Art of Building a YouTube Video

Streamlining: The Art of Building a YouTube Video

Starting a YouTube Channel and learning how to produce a video is daunting. I started my channel just over a month ago, and have used streamlining to smooth out the process.

Learning is an evolutionary process, embrace it. You can start out famous, but you can build and learn during the way.

Seek out pro tips during your journey, and you’ll find the process more rewarding, and even develop your own hacks to help others.

Merging all the components together into a coherent video can be at times very difficult, but if you start simple, you’ll end up with a process that will take mold you into a professional.

Streamlining: The Art of Building a YouTube Video (pdf)

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CruisingReview Maldives: Video Streamlining Example

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