
Looks like WWIII: A Soft War

TEL: +1 608-238-6001 Email: greg@cruisingreview.com

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We are at War. A Soft War. WW III.

Date: 4/5/2020

As the world pandemic continues to increase, an increased awareness of personal responsibility is worth considering. This is Mother Natures warning shot that we’re doing something wrong.

Now is the time to develop a strategy to survive a long-term diminishing resources.

It is also the time to start a Victory Garden, like they did in WWII.

If you live in a condo or apartment, start window boxes. Many downtown areas have community gardens. Get your friends and family to plant gardens, and establish alliances, so you have a pooled resource (or co-op). In the rural community, Farmers do it. You can too.

Developing a plan now helps to insure you won’t have a interrupted supply.

Now is also the time to think about work. The government is not going to send you monthly checks. If it does, it will run out of money, and inflation rates will soar. Use this time to explore being self-employed. Watch YouTube videos and discover new ideas on how to reinvent yourself.

If you can adapt, you will thrive. Adaptation is the key.

PRODUCT: Develop a staged strategy, which gives you independence.

1. Sprouts: Sprouts have 5 to 50 times the nutrition compared to their mature version. In a few days, you can have fresh sprouts for salad, sandwiches, or just plain.

2. Indoor Window Garden: Start growing a mini herb garden. Use LED lighting if you don’t have good Sun exposure.

3. Outdoor Garden: Get out and garden. It’s fun, and you can provide your own fresh vegetables. Many towns have community gardens, if you don’t own any land.

PROFIT: Remember this famous quote: “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Now is the time to take personal inventory on what you can do to insure your water, food, and livelihood. But also your impact on your community and nation.

It can be as simple as starting a Victory Garden, or volunteering at a local food bank, or hospital, or even grocery store.

Instead of getting bored, get empowered.

TIME: 1. Skillset: Learn new skills and self-improvent.

2. Personal Level: Develop a personal plan of action.

3. Home Level: Coordinate with your family, and establish responsibilities between family members.

4. Community Level: Stage cooperatives that allow the community to grow its own food supply, and above all, support your local farmer.

5. National Level: Help the cohesive power of your fellow citizens, and think globally.

Strategy: Preparation is the key. Reduce anxiety by having a written plan of action.

Solar Cooking and Solar Water Sterilization: Solar Thermal Vacuum Tubes can be used for cooking food, and sterilizing water.

Food: Start by making fresh sprouts in your kitchen. Then plant a garden. Reduce your dependency on the food chain.

Solar Photovoltaic Power: Consider small solar chargers for your smartphone. Install larger solar electric panels for your home and business.


Soft War Strategy

Soft War Strategy

Soft War Strategy

As the world pandemic continues to increase, an increased awareness of personal responsibility is worth considering. This is Mother Natures warning shot that we’re doing something wrong.

Now is the time to develop a strategy to survive a long-term diminishing resources. Soft War Strategy (pdf)

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