
About Cruising Review and Travel Industry Reviews

TEL: +1 608-238-6001 Email: greg@cruisingreview.com

New Health Series An important part of traveling is maintaining proper health. This series dives deep into help making good food choices and techniques that reduce the effects of long flights and other travel struggles. More Info

Bemer PEMF Device Review and Experience New as of April 2024 and updated on 27 June, 2024 I just received the Bemer Therapy System Evo to see if it helps after long flights, post covid, and circulation. More Info

DIY Skin Cream Make skin cream at home using natural products. More Info


December 2020 Update: For my 2021 travel, I'm looking for travel companions (must be a woman, single, have passport) for travel to Europe, and reviewing cruises (Rhine river, Mediterranean, Italy, Caribbean, and South Pacific). If you're interested, please visit my InstaGram (pepe.G6) and DM me, or send me an email.

At the end of December, I'll preserve my 2020 updates in a separate webpage, so I can focus on 2021. The main theme for 2021 is leverage. Doing more with less. How to function well and thrive with less. Focus more on the experience.

For 2021, I will circle back to focus on inventing and researching healthy living and building a cosmetics company for DIY home skin care solutions ( SwissMixIt ). While traveling, I hope to seek out local medicinal plants and anti-aging solutions. Probably the best example is Tamanu oil from French Polynesia. I've been using it since 2004, and love how my skin feels rejuvinated. I've been experimenting with skin creams since March 2020 with the SwissMixIt induction touch-free magnetic mixer with fantastic results. This one product will turn the cosmetics industry on end, by allowing DIY at-home formulations (saves money and provides a better quality product by using organic ingredients and less processing and less chemicals used in many commercial formulations).

Pandemic Status: The most important thing you can do is self-quanantine, take vitamin D3, physical distance from others, and ventilate any indoor room when with others. That strategy will help get you through the pandemic. Vaccines should be available mid 2021. I predict the huge wave for the USA will peak in December, then things will start returning to normal by mid-year. The CDC has given enough regulation to basically prevent the cruise lines from operating in US waters until or after March 2021 (that was the original goal with the CDC no-sail orders, but political pressures forced the CDC to open cruising earlier, which was met with huge regulation hurdles which effectively prevented any cruise line from operating prior March 2021).

StoryBoard App: Really simple (unlocked) Filemaker Go app to organize your video story. Runs on your iPhone (IOS).

Download here: http://www.laserstatics.com/download/FM-Go-storyboard.fmp12

November 2020 Update: I have closed my machine shop (where I was building and selling industrial equipment) near Seattle, Washington, and am now focussing on SwissMixIt, E-Ship and Filemaker databases for my travel side, Cruising Review.

At home, I'm growing a Mason jar hydroponic garden with Basil, Black seed, Romano tomato, and Red pepper plants. Because sunset is now around 4:28pm, I'm supplementing lack of sunlight with spectrum specific LED lights (proven by NASA to grow vegetables). As a whole food plant-based diet person, I'm also growing my own Broccoli and Lentil sprouts, which have 10-100 times the nutrition compared to their more mature produce. The focus is learning how to leverage what you have around you to make you healthier, while reducing costs during a pandemic. For supplements, I'm taking D3 on a daily basis. D3 has been proven in clinical trials to boost immunity and less any effects if you get Covid. I'm also adding Black Seed ( http://8swiss.com/black-seed/index.htm) to a super-spice mix of Cardamom, Black Pepper, Gooseberry (Amla), and Turmeric. You can see my research of science related articles here: https://swissmixit.com/publications/

The CDC has lifted it's US waters cruise ban, and replaced with a length conditional sail order. I am now working on a Compliance Database Solution which organizes the cruise lines. While this seeming like a breakthrough, it's just another way to prevent cruising, under the guise of allowing cruising while following a set of rules that can only be put in place, probably by the time a vaccine becomes available and well into 2021. It's a creative way of extending the no-cruise order. Keep in mind, this is for US territorial waters only (cruising in other areas continues, to a lesser degree). Now that the second wave is in full force in the USA and Europe, most cruise lines are putting operations on hold.

The pandemic has surged again, as the touted (and predicted) second Coronavirus wave around the world, but especially hit hard is the USA and Europe. I've cancelled all my planned trips to Switzerland, and hope to get on some cruises in January and February 2021, then resume my Swiss travel plans in the summer of 2021.

In the meantime, I'm self-quaranteening in my condo and working out of my aircraft hangar until things improve. Just got the new iPhone 12 Pro (it's great except that the 3 lenses protrude from the phone body which means constant cleaning of the lenses).

I am spending my time researching health issues and botanicals that improve the immune system for my SwissMixIt project. In that reserach (daily) I have found that D3 is critical for COVID-19 prevention and mitigation. There is now scientific evidence which shows that since March, D3 has prevented or lessened the severity of COVID in individuals. For the herbs and spices, Black Seed has shown good promise for boosting the immune system. To review related literature, please click here. For the rest of November and December 2020, I'll be focussing on researching botanicals, and the design of a AirBNB electric ship to be deployed in Lac Leman (Lake Geneva) or Lake Lucerne, in Switzerland.

September 2020 Update: Just got back from international travel to Tahiti, Bora Bora, and Aspen. Wonderful to get out in some international travel. Flights to French Polynesia are only available for Covid-19 tested negative documented travelers, and you will need to do another test after 4 days in the region. Still looking forward to traveling to Europe, but Americans are still banned. On the horizon is the fall and winter flu season, second wave of Covid infections (already happening in Spain and France), and reduced immune systems due to northern hemispheres sunlight (reduced D3). As forest fires ravage the western United States, I am working on a air filter which uses enhanced water vortex (water filter) that is simple to use, and has a filter media that is easy to replace (static enhanced water). This allows zero cost consumables and one of the best filter media available.

July 2020 Update: As the pandemic continues to sweep across the USA (mostly from younger people going to bars and restaurants), most of my travel plans have been scrubbed for the summer, including multiple trips to Switzerland and Europe, who has banned Americans, Russians, and Brazilians. While this is completely understandable, it is very disappointing. In June I had a brief visit to Aspen, Colorado, which was really refreshing, but portrayed the new pandemic travel normal. Masks are required on all flights (makes for a quiet flight since nobody talks) but is a inconvenience and not very comfortable). Masks were also required in public areas in Aspen (indoors any public space including restaurants and bars, as well as in the gondola queues). The actual bar space was closed down, and only tables were available, where you did not have to wear the mask. For a solo traveler, I just found it easier to just order take-out, and eat somewhere else. Most of the COVID-19 surge in the USA is because of non-mask wearers in bars and restaurants. While the hospital admissions is not on par with those infected (because they're younger and don't get sick as often as older folk), they become carriers and spread the virus at an alarming rate. I continue to learn French (Fluenz), work on the AirBNB Solar ElectricShip project, and several other interesting innovations, including a magnetic stirrer, and magnetic Maypole carbon fiber weaving system which will be used to make continuous formed carbon fiber hulls for the Solar ElectricShip trimaran hulls. The intrinsic formation of the carbon fiber hulls, also allow the hull to become a energy storage device (i.e. ultra capacitor, or battery). The Maypole weaving system can be used for any rigid parts, including car bodies, aircraft wings and aircraft cabin, etc. As part of the Maypole weaver and hull designing activities, I've also started to write a FileMaker Yacht Designer Database, which includes displacement calculations, cabin and structure layouts, and components database reference table. Since travel is not available, focus has been shifted to inventing and boatbuilding strategies.

May 2020 Update: With the worldwide pandemic in full swing, CruisingReview is quickly pivoting to provide you stay-in-place information and resources to help you survive, and flourish while enduring home containment. We are quickly moving forward with our AirBNB Solar ElectricShip project, which includes strategies for in-house fresh water, food production, power production, and pro-tips on living in challenging situations. The goal is self-sufficiency, and lessening our footprint on the planet. The most immediate goal is to provide you with access to fresh drinking water, food, and power. To that end, the Ground Power Unit is coming along nicely. The unit is rapidly integrating into also becoming a YouTube portable studio creator station.

2020 Goals Summary: The emerging common theme now is streamlining travel, business, and the way things are done. Seamless travel is the core thread of time to better your experience, while enhancing your time and money. Our focus (target) is to reduce time on your devices, and get you back into the experience. Streamlining is now how I run my multiple businesses, and is the infrastructure which allows me to do more, with less. I apply this strategy from everything from packing and luggage hacks, to putting my entire office on my iPhone 11 Pro. The methodology allows me to quickly and efficiently build structured InstaGram and YouTube posts, while optimizing SEO keywords and ranking. The ultimate reward is higher views, content, and subscribers (all while saving time which gets me back into enjoying travel). This will all come together in multiple posts below, and into a new book I'm working on, which will turn your life around. Forget Artificial Intelligence, use intelligent reasoning instead. Your mind is more powerful than the universe. Use it.

CDC Compliance Database Solution: I am currently working on a compliance database that will optimize and organize the huge amount of data and documentation for the Cruise lines to comply with the conditional sail regulations. Please see our post for more information.

Air Filter Based on Water Filter Media: As forest fires ravage the western United States, I am working on a vortex water filter that is simple to use and has a filter media that is easy to replace (static enhanced water). This allows zero cost consumables and one of the best filter media available.

Travel Hangers (foldable, collapsable, carbon fiber): Over the past year, I've been developing a light-weight, carbon fiber cloths hangar. This stems from the time consumed packing and unpacking cloths, especially when you arrive at a destination when you want to get out and explore. On the most recent trip to Bora Bora, I devised a collapsible carbon fiber hangar that has a very small footprint, and allows you to fold and roll clothes on the hangar, to prevent and reduce wrinkles.

Maypole Carbon Fiber Weaving System:  Using solid state magnetic tracking, develop a complex magnetic bobbin weaving system for carbon fiber to make continuous feed hulls for boats (specifically catamaran and trimaran applications).

AeroPonics Kitchen Herb Garden:  Develop a low cost DIY kitchen herb garden to grow herbs at point of use (i.e. cooking). Updated on September 12, 2020: After various versions, we have finally figured out the best solution, which allows you to leave plants unattended for up to two weeks. This Mason jar system (any container will work) is self watering and works great after an evolution of three months of testing.

Filemaker Yacht Designer Database:  Develop a database using Filemaker to determine hull displacement in freshwater and saltwater. Analyze data to determine applicable boat loads for center of gravity and buoyancy. Develop a simple to use pattern maker to print out cabin and space components to arrange visually by hand on a table to determine yacht spaces and utilization. Develop a database to store the large amount of information, including appliances, materials, components, and all parts needed for construction, fabrication, and assembly. Develop a database for tools needed. Develop a database for operation and maintenance. Develop an algorithm to determine best weight to power generation ration, as well as cost, for large deployment of solar panels. Develop a feedback loop on all materials and construction notes, to be compared to actual operation, to further refine Yacht Designer Database.

Develop a LED to Help Eyesight Improve (20200712): Recent studies confirm that for adults over 40 a red spectrum light can help the functioning of mitochondria, "There was a 14% improvement in the ability to see colors, or cone color contrast sensitivity, for the entire two dozen participants." I have been using the red light therapy for about three months now, and it works for eyes, small cuts (wounds), achy knees and joints, as well as carpal tunnel.

Start a Health Series:  I research healthy anti oxidants, anti-aging, and healthy food on a daily basis. This is botanical research for boosting immunity and better living. Please visit Montreux Cosmetics, or SwissMixIt, or our server directly at http://8swiss.com

Start a Cosmetics Company:  Use to promote whole plant based body health and appearance, while utilizing botanical knowledge and expertise. Please visit Montreux Cosmetics, or SwissMixIt, or our server directly at http://8swiss.com

Learn French:  I've started the course offered by Fluenz ($380). So far it is great. I am spending around 4 hours a day per section. Great methodology. I've tried the free courses, which are pretty much useless. I have also bought some Berlitz flashcards.

Develop a Portable Power Unit for homes, RV, and marine applications: Infinity Ground Power Unit

Develop a strategy for the pandemic: This is the first of a how-to series on coping and succeeding through challenging times. It’s never too late to prepare - here is how you start.

Start a YouTube Channel: Our CruisingReview YouTube started at the Conrad Maldives resort stay in early January 2020. Visit: YouTube Channel CruisingReview

PDF and YouTube Review (updated 22 Feb 2020): Streamlining: The Art of Building a YouTube Video

Develop a Device for Content Makers: Content Creator Cockpit

PDF Business Call Log: PDF Form and How-to guide.

PDF and YouTube Review: The Art of Seamless Travel. Experience. Knowledge. Wisdom.

Develop a Solar Panel Selector for Solar Electric Ship AirBNB: Allows solar panel buyers to compare various panels and select criteria prior to purchase. 

PDF and YouTube Review of Sky Princess: An example of what works and a great cruise

PDF and YouTube Review of MSC Bellisima: Top Ten Reasons To Avoid This Ship

PDF and YouTube Review: How to Charter a Jet.

PDF and YouTube Review: CoronaVirus SARS-CoV. What to know, before you go.

Web Review: Emirates Airbus A380 business class from JFK to Dubai DXB.

PDF and YouTube Review: Social Media: Write once and feed many.

PDF and YouTube Review: Equation based algorithm formulas to explore YouTube and Web SEO: Integrating fractals, and Mandelbrot set with Fibonacchi Sequence as part of the bifurcation diagram. Period doubling with feedback loop. This is the basis of modeling in nature, chaos theory, dripping faucets, and even random number generators (aka the lottery). Divide the ratio of bifurcation formula = fundamental constant value of nature, 4.669 (think of pi for an example of universality). (Reference YouTube video on equation) (Reference NIH) Formula: x(n+1) = r  x(n)[1-x(n)]

PDF Eco Ship Design Series: How to design a cost effective (i.e. low cost) Eco-friendly, all-electric, multihull cruising vessel for AirBNB and atelier workshop, based on a modular hull design. Emphasize solid, positive floatation hulls with all infrastructure above the water (i.e. unsinkable). After reviewing thousands of YouTube videos on vessel rebuilds, I have amassed a huge knowledge base of how-to tips and things to avoid with recycling old vessels (sail and motor). Click here for design flow, pdfs, and more.

PDF and YouTube Review: How to turn a bad resort experience positive.

PDF and YouTube Review: How to Charter a Helicopter.

PDF and YouTube Review: Streamlining. Business is basically a material handling operation. Learn how to command the infrastructure, and rise to the top.

PDF and YouTube Review: The Instagram Algorithm.

PDF and YouTube Review: Instagram Post Captions.

DaVinci Resolve Video Editing Software for Mac: Learn to create and edit YouTube videos.

Build a YouTube Editing Studio: Create a video editing workshop.

Build a Affiliates Link Page: Help support our channel.

Develop Search Engine Spider for PDF: Based on Filemaker Database engine, develop a solution that increases SEO, page ranking, and link-backs, while enhancing YouTube video views and subscribers. Stage one testing Maldives Index and  Drone Index

Develop Smartphone App Software: Continue to optimize and develop Tagzgen, the Instagram post maker. Add to user experience by adding YouTube caption maker, Travel Notes, and other enhancements. Travel blogger software to make time more efficient, and accounting with communications on-the-go, via your smartphone app.

Develop Travel Products: Cheese (Moon) bar for travel tripods to hold a smartphone, microphone, lighting, and other ancillaries. Triangle Design.

Develop Travel Products: Carbon fiber clothes hangar that is lightweight and super compact in design, for 1 minute packing and unpacking. Develop a convenient, fast, and efficient way to unpack while keeping clothes wrinkle free.

Develop Travel Products: Cruise ship smartphone communicator, which allows interpersonal communication on cruise ships for texting. The biggest hassle of megaships is locating and communicating with your tribe.

Develop Travel Products: Silent drone technology to reduce or eliminate drone propeller noise for stealthy operation. This may include active or passive noise reduction.

Build a Apple IOS APP: That uses the multiple camera lenses on the iPhone 11 Pro that saves both a portrait (InstaGram) and landscape (YouTube) mode photo or video. This ensures that the correct format is available for posting to social media. It's easier to subtract images off your phone, than add (impossible after the image is taken). Video editing software to correct images does a poor job on preserving the experience.

December 2020 Update: For my 2021 travel, I'm looking for travel companions (must be a woman, single, have passport) for travel to Europe, and reviewing cruises (Rhine river, Mediterranean, Italy, Caribbean, and South Pacific). If you're interested, please visit my InstaGram (pepe.G6) and DM me, or send me an email. At the end of December, I'll preserve my 2020 updates in a separate webpage, so I can focus on 2021. The main theme for 2021 is leverage. Doing more with less. How to function well and thrive with less. Focus more on the experience. For 2021, I will circle back to focus on inventing and researching healthy living and building a cosmetics company for DIY home skin care solutions ( SwissMixIt ). While traveling, I hope to seek out local medicinal plants and anti-aging solutions. Probably the best example is Tamanu oil from French Polynesia. I've been using it since 2004, and love how my skin feels rejuvinated. I've been experimenting with skin creams since March 2020 with the SwissMixIt induction touch-free magnetic mixer with fantastic results. This one product will turn the cosmetics industry on end, by allowing DIY at-home formulations (saves money and provides a better quality product by using organic ingredients and less processing and less chemicals used in many commercial formulations). Pandemic Status: The most important thing you can do is self-quanantine, take vitamin D3, physical distance from others, and ventilate any indoor room when with others. That strategy will help get you through the pandemic. Vaccines should be available mid 2021. I predict the huge wave for the USA will peak in December, then things will start returning to normal by mid-year. The CDC has given enough regulation to basically prevent the cruise lines from operating in US waters until or after March 2021 (that was the original goal with the CDC no-sail orders, but political pressures forced the CDC to open cruising earlier, which was met with huge regulation hurdles which effectively prevented any cruise line from operating prior March 2021). StoryBoard App: Really simple (unlocked) Filemaker Go app to organize your video story. Runs on your iPhone (IOS). Download here:http://www.laserstatics.com/download/FM-Go-storyboard.fmp12November 2020 Update: I have closed my machine shop (where I was building and selling industrial equipment) near Seattle, Washington, and am now focussing on SwissMixIt, E-Ship and Filemaker databases for my travel side, Cruising Review. At home, I'm growing a Mason jar hydroponic garden with Basil, Black seed, Romano tomato, and Red pepper plants. Because sunset is now around 4:28pm, I'm supplementing lack of sunlight with spectrum specific LED lights (proven by NASA to grow vegetables). As a whole food plant-based diet person, I'm also growing my own Broccoli and Lentil sprouts, which have 10-100 times the nutrition compared to their more mature produce. The focus is learning how to leverage what you have around you to make you healthier, while reducing costs during a pandemic. For supplements, I'm taking D3 on a daily basis. D3 has been proven in clinical trials to boost immunity and less any effects if you get Covid. I'm also adding Black Seed ( http://8swiss.com/black-seed/index.htm) to a super-spice mix of Cardamom, Black Pepper, Gooseberry (Amla), and Turmeric. You can see my research of science related articles here: https://swissmixit.com/publications/ The CDC has lifted it's US waters cruise ban, and replaced with a length conditional sail order. I am now working on a Compliance Database Solution which organizes the cruise lines. While this seeming like a breakthrough, it's just another way to prevent cruising, under the guise of allowing cruising while following a set of rules that can only be put in place, probably by the time a vaccine becomes available and well into 2021. It's a creative way of extending the no-cruise order. Keep in mind, this is for US territorial waters only (cruising in other areas continues, to a lesser degree). Now that the second wave is in full force in the USA and Europe, most cruise lines are putting operations on hold. The pandemic has surged again, as the touted (and predicted) second Coronavirus wave around the world, but especially hit hard is the USA and Europe. I've cancelled all my planned trips to Switzerland, and hope to get on some cruises in January and February 2021, then resume my Swiss travel plans in the summer of 2021. In the meantime, I'm self-quaranteening in my condo and working out of my aircraft hangar until things improve. Just got the new iPhone 12 Pro (it's great except that the 3 lenses protrude from the phone body which means constant cleaning of the lenses). I am spending my time researching health issues and botanicals that improve the immune system for my SwissMixIt project. In that reserach (daily) I have found that D3 is critical for COVID-19 prevention and mitigation. There is now scientific evidence which shows that since March, D3 has prevented or lessened the severity of COVID in individuals. For the herbs and spices, Black Seed has shown good promise for boosting the immune system. To review related literature, please click here. For the rest of November and December 2020, I'll be focussing on researching botanicals, and the design of a AirBNB electric ship to be deployed in Lac Leman (Lake Geneva) or Lake Lucerne, in Switzerland.   September 2020 Update: Just got back from international travel to Tahiti, Bora Bora, and Aspen. Wonderful to get out in some international travel. Flights to French Polynesia are only available for Covid-19 tested negative documented travelers, and you will need to do another test after 4 days in the region. Still looking forward to traveling to Europe, but Americans are still banned. On the horizon is the fall and winter flu season, second wave of Covid infections (already happening in Spain and France), and reduced immune systems due to northern hemispheres sunlight (reduced D3). As forest fires ravage the western United States, I am working on a air filter which uses enhanced water vortex (water filter) that is simple to use, and has a filter media that is easy to replace (static enhanced water). This allows zero cost consumables and one of the best filter media available. July 2020 Update: As the pandemic continues to sweep across the USA (mostly from younger people going to bars and restaurants), most of my travel plans have been scrubbed for the summer, including multiple trips to Switzerland and Europe, who has banned Americans, Russians, and Brazilians. While this is completely understandable, it is very disappointing. In June I had a brief visit to Aspen, Colorado, which was really refreshing, but portrayed the new pandemic travel normal. Masks are required on all flights (makes for a quiet flight since nobody talks) but is a inconvenience and not very comfortable). Masks were also required in public areas in Aspen (indoors any public space including restaurants and bars, as well as in the gondola queues). The actual bar space was closed down, and only tables were available, where you did not have to wear the mask. For a solo traveler, I just found it easier to just order take-out, and eat somewhere else. Most of the COVID-19 surge in the USA is because of non-mask wearers in bars and restaurants. While the hospital admissions is not on par with those infected (because they're younger and don't get sick as often as older folk), they become carriers and spread the virus at an alarming rate. I continue to learn French (Fluenz), work on the AirBNB Solar ElectricShip project, and several other interesting innovations, including a magnetic stirrer, and magnetic Maypole carbon fiber weaving system which will be used to make continuous formed carbon fiber hulls for the Solar ElectricShip trimaran hulls. The intrinsic formation of the carbon fiber hulls, also allow the hull to become a energy storage device (i.e. ultra capacitor, or battery). The Maypole weaving system can be used for any rigid parts, including car bodies, aircraft wings and aircraft cabin, etc. As part of the Maypole weaver and hull designing activities, I've also started to write a FileMaker Yacht Designer Database, which includes displacement calculations, cabin and structure layouts, and components database reference table. Since travel is not available, focus has been shifted to inventing and boatbuilding strategies. May 2020 Update: With the worldwide pandemic in full swing, CruisingReview is quickly pivoting to provide you stay-in-place information and resources to help you survive, and flourish while enduring home containment. We are quickly moving forward with our AirBNB Solar ElectricShip project, which includes strategies for in-house fresh water, food production, power production, and pro-tips on living in challenging situations. The goal is self-sufficiency, and lessening our footprint on the planet. The most immediate goal is to provide you with access to fresh drinking water, food, and power. To that end, the Ground Power Unit is coming along nicely. The unit is rapidly integrating into also becoming a YouTube portable studio creator station. 2020 Goals Summary: The emerging common theme now is streamlining travel, business, and the way things are done. Seamless travel is the core thread of time to better your experience, while enhancing your time and money. Our focus (target) is to reduce time on your devices, and get you back into the experience. Streamlining is now how I run my multiple businesses, and is the infrastructure which allows me to do more, with less. I apply this strategy from everything from packing and luggage hacks, to putting my entire office on my iPhone 11 Pro. The methodology allows me to quickly and efficiently build structured InstaGram and YouTube posts, while optimizing SEO keywords and ranking. The ultimate reward is higher views, content, and subscribers (all while saving time which gets me back into enjoying travel). This will all come together in multiple posts below, and into a new book I'm working on, which will turn your life around. Forget Artificial Intelligence, use intelligent reasoning instead. Your mind is more powerful than the universe. Use it. CDC Compliance Database Solution: I am currently working on a compliance database that will optimize and organize the huge amount of data and documentation for the Cruise lines to comply with the conditional sail regulations. Please see our post for more information.Air Filter Based on Water Filter Media: As forest fires ravage the western United States, I am working on a vortex water filter that is simple to use and has a filter media that is easy to replace (static enhanced water). This allows zero cost consumables and one of the best filter media available. Travel Hangers (foldable, collapsable, carbon fiber): Over the past year, I've been developing a light-weight, carbon fiber cloths hangar. This stems from the time consumed packing and unpacking cloths, especially when you arrive at a destination when you want to get out and explore. On the most recent trip to Bora Bora, I devised a collapsible carbon fiber hangar that has a very small footprint, and allows you to fold and roll clothes on the hangar, to prevent and reduce wrinkles. Maypole Carbon Fiber Weaving System:  Using solid state magnetic tracking, develop a complex magnetic bobbin weaving system for carbon fiber to make continuous feed hulls for boats (specifically catamaran and trimaran applications). AeroPonics Kitchen Herb Garden:  Develop a low cost DIY kitchen herb garden to grow herbs at point of use (i.e. cooking). Updated on September 12, 2020: After various versions, we have finally figured out the best solution, which allows you to leave plants unattended for up to two weeks. This Mason jar system (any container will work) is self watering and works great after an evolution of three months of testing. Filemaker Yacht Designer Database:  Develop a database using Filemaker to determine hull displacement in freshwater and saltwater. Analyze data to determine applicable boat loads for center of gravity and buoyancy. Develop a simple to use pattern maker to print out cabin and space components to arrange visually by hand on a table to determine yacht spaces and utilization. Develop a database to store the large amount of information, including appliances, materials, components, and all parts needed for construction, fabrication, and assembly. Develop a database for tools needed. Develop a database for operation and maintenance. Develop an algorithm to determine best weight to power generation ration, as well as cost, for large deployment of solar panels. Develop a feedback loop on all materials and construction notes, to be compared to actual operation, to further refine Yacht Designer Database. Develop a LED to Help Eyesight Improve (20200712): Recent studies confirm that for adults over 40 a red spectrum light can help the functioning of mitochondria, "There was a 14% improvement in the ability to see colors, or cone color contrast sensitivity, for the entire two dozen participants." I have been using the red light therapy for about three months now, and it works for eyes, small cuts (wounds), achy knees and joints, as well as carpal tunnel. Start a Health Series:  I research healthy anti oxidants, anti-aging, and healthy food on a daily basis. This is botanical research for boosting immunity and better living. Please visit Montreux Cosmetics, or SwissMixIt, or our server directly at http://8swiss.comStart a Cosmetics Company:  Use to promote whole plant based body health and appearance, while utilizing botanical knowledge and expertise. Please visit Montreux Cosmetics, or SwissMixIt, or our server directly at http://8swiss.comLearn French:  I've started the course offered by Fluenz ($380). So far it is great. I am spending around 4 hours a day per section. Great methodology. I've tried the free courses, which are pretty much useless. I have also bought some Berlitz flashcards. Develop a Portable Power Unit for homes, RV, and marine applications:Infinity Ground Power UnitDevelop a strategy for the pandemic: This is the first of a how-to series on coping and succeeding through challenging times. It’s never too late to prepare - here is how you start.Start a YouTube Channel: Our CruisingReview YouTube started at the Conrad Maldives resort stay in early January 2020. Visit: YouTube Channel CruisingReviewPDF and YouTube Review (updated 22 Feb 2020): Streamlining: The Art of Building a YouTube VideoDevelop a Device for Content Makers:Content Creator Cockpit20200208-creator-cockpit-by-cruisingreviewPDF Business Call Log:PDF Form and How-to guide.PDF and YouTube Review: The Art of Seamless Travel. Experience. Knowledge. Wisdom. Develop a Solar Panel Selector for Solar Electric Ship AirBNB: Allows solar panel buyers to compare various panels and select criteria prior to purchase. 20200314-cruising-review-solar-fmPDF and YouTube Review of Sky Princess: An example of what works and a great cruise PDF and YouTube Review of MSC Bellisima: Top Ten Reasons To Avoid This ShipPDF and YouTube Review: How to Charter a Jet. PDF and YouTube Review: CoronaVirus SARS-CoV. What to know, before you go.Web Review: Emirates Airbus A380 business class from JFK to Dubai DXB. PDF and YouTube Review: Social Media: Write once and feed many. PDF and YouTube Review: Equation based algorithm formulas to explore YouTube and Web SEO: Integrating fractals, and Mandelbrot set with Fibonacchi Sequence as part of the bifurcation diagram. Period doubling with feedback loop. This is the basis of modeling in nature, chaos theory, dripping faucets, and even random number generators (aka the lottery). Divide the ratio of bifurcation formula = fundamental constant value of nature, 4.669 (think of pi for an example of universality). (Reference YouTube video on equation) (Reference NIH) Formula: x(n+1) = r  x(n)[1-x(n)] PDF Eco Ship Design Series:How to design a cost effective (i.e. low cost) Eco-friendly, all-electric, multihull cruising vessel for AirBNB and atelier workshop, based on a modular hull design. Emphasize solid, positive floatation hulls with all infrastructure above the water (i.e. unsinkable). After reviewing thousands of YouTube videos on vessel rebuilds, I have amassed a huge knowledge base of how-to tips and things to avoid with recycling old vessels (sail and motor). Click here for design flow, pdfs, and more.PDF and YouTube Review: How to turn a bad resort experience positive.PDF and YouTube Review: How to Charter a Helicopter. PDF and YouTube Review: Streamlining. Business is basically a material handling operation. Learn how to command the infrastructure, and rise to the top. PDF and YouTube Review:The Instagram Algorithm. PDF and YouTube Review:Instagram Post Captions. DaVinci Resolve Video Editing Software for Mac: Learn to create and edit YouTube videos. Build a YouTube Editing Studio: Create a video editing workshop. Build a Affiliates Link Page:Help support our channel.Develop Search Engine Spider for PDF: Based on Filemaker Database engine, develop a solution that increases SEO, page ranking, and link-backs, while enhancing YouTube video views and subscribers. Stage one testing Maldives Index and  Drone Index Develop Smartphone App Software: Continue to optimize and develop Tagzgen, the Instagram post maker. Add to user experience by adding YouTube caption maker, Travel Notes, and other enhancements. Travel blogger software to make time more efficient, and accounting with communications on-the-go, via your smartphone app. Develop Travel Products: Cheese (Moon) bar for travel tripods to hold a smartphone, microphone, lighting, and other ancillaries. Triangle Design. Develop Travel Products: Carbon fiber clothes hangar that is lightweight and super compact in design, for 1 minute packing and unpacking. Develop a convenient, fast, and efficient way to unpack while keeping clothes wrinkle free. Develop Travel Products: Cruise ship smartphone communicator, which allows interpersonal communication on cruise ships for texting. The biggest hassle of megaships is locating and communicating with your tribe. Develop Travel Products: Silent drone technology to reduce or eliminate drone propeller noise for stealthy operation. This may include active or passive noise reduction. Build a Apple IOS APP: That uses the multiple camera lenses on the iPhone 11 Pro that saves both a portrait (InstaGram) and landscape (YouTube) mode photo or video. This ensures that the correct format is available for posting to social media. It's easier to subtract images off your phone, than add (impossible after the image is taken). Video editing software to correct images does a poor job on preserving the experience.
Social Media Links:InstaGram Pepe.G6TripAdvisorInstagram TagzGen App and Blogger SoftwareYouTube Channel CruisingReview
Favorite Software and Books: These are products and services we use on a daily basis, for both small business and travel. They have been tested over the years, and are a valuable asset to deploy while traveling.Go to Amazon via these links to help support this channel. These are products we actually use to film and produce these videos.Top 10 List 1. MacBookPro 16. 16 inch, 16GB RAM, 1TB Storage Intel Core i9. Add RAM later at Apple store if needed. https://amzn.to/2SIStYT2. Cameras:A. Olympus Tough TG-6 4K Underwater Camera Red (use for landscape mode videos): https://amzn.to/2HHTieeB. GoPro Hero8 Black. Bundle. Ready to rock and roll. (Amazon's Choice) https://amzn.to/2SK0Gfr3. Drone Aerial Photography: DJI Mavic Air Drone: A. Mavic Air Drone only:https://amzn.to/3bPRQEyB. Mavic Air Drone with backpack and starter kit:https://amzn.to/2v0GNI5C. Mavic Air Drone with B and VR Goggles:https://amzn.to/2PdoVAKD. DJI Mavic Mini Drone Only:https://amzn.to/2SKd6En4. Lithium Batteries Blackube (rechargeable micro USB package of 4 - quick charge - 1000 cycles): AA 1500mAh:https://amzn.to/2VbsF9xAAA 600mAh:https://amzn.to/3bTMGY75. USB Stick Storage (on the go) for iPhone and MacBookPro. A. USB 3.1 C Flash Drive Storage Stick (for your MacBookPro or USB 3.1) 128-300 MB (select desired storage): https://amzn.to/2HCygxNB. 128 GB iPhone USB3.0 Flash Drive Stick (Amazon's Choice) https://amzn.to/37LtHeY6. Adaptor Cables for iPhone and MacBookPro. A. iPhone Lightning to HDMI Adaptor (use your smartTV in your room as your monitor) Digital AV Adaptor: https://amzn.to/32d6aTlB. iPhone Lightning Adaptor to SD TF Card Reader and USB (Amazon's Choice) https://amzn.to/2VbuX8DC. USB 3.1 C Adaptor for MacBookPro with C to HDMI, SD TF reader, and USB https://amzn.to/2ujglJq7. Accessories: Tripod and Gimbal for travel. A. Geekoto: 77 inch very compact. 3.37 lbs. Fast to deploy. https://amzn.to/32cnF5UB. DJI OSMO Mobile 3 Lightweight and Portable 3-axis Handheld Gimbal Stabilizer Compatible with iPhone & Android Phones. https://amzn.to/2QbsMih   8. Best Read. A. Extreme Ownership. [make your life organized, optimized, and efficient] Hardback: https://amzn.to/2vLoNBvB. How Not to Die. [science based nutrition to get you through your day, and life] Hardback: https://amzn.to/32aqKDPC. Gaviotas - A Village to Reinvent the World. [for inventors, and those who want to change the world] Paperback: https://amzn.to/32dTZFu9. Video Editing Software.DaVinci Resolve YouTube Video Editing Software (free version). If you need ultra high quality output, then order $300 version. Non-compensated link: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/10. Filemaker Pro 18. Mac/PC. The most useful method to increase your streamlining, efficiency, and organization. This simple database allows you to use off-the-shelf solutions to organize your business and travel. You can also use this program to build IOS apps for iPhone and iPad which you can distribute on your own (Apple Store not needed) with the free FilemakerGO platform. I've been using Filemaker since 1991. It runs my business, travel, and new apps. An example of a custom template form I made is here: Call Log. An example of a SEO Spider I made is here: PDF Search.Filemaker Software:https://amzn.to/2PaU5J3
CoronaVirus Prevention:
  1. BRIGHTINWD UV Light Mini Sanitizer Travel Wand UV Light Without Chemicals for Hotel Household Wardrobe Toilet Car Pet Area: https://amzn.to/39p6AbO
  2. Germ Guardian True HEPA Filter Air Purifier for Home, Office, Bedrooms, Filters Allergies, Pollen, Smoke, Dust, Pet Dander, UV-C Sanitizer Eliminates Germs, Mold, Odors, Quiet 22 inch 3-in-1 AC4825: https://amzn.to/39mz7yK
  3. Germ Guardian Pluggable Air Purifier and Sanitizer, Eliminates Germs and Mold with UV-C Light, Deodorizer for Odor from Pets, Cooking, Laundry, Diapers, Room Air Freshener for Small Rooms, GG1100W: https://amzn.to/3aszXKu
  4. Nature Made Vitamin D3 1000 IU (25 mcg) Softgels: https://amzn.to/2TtC4bv
  5. Pine Oil (antiseptic). Organic Pine Essential Oil (100% Pure - USDA Certified Organic) Best Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil - 10ml: https://amzn.to/2PTPefx
Search Information (SEO Spider made on Filemaker): Drone PDF Information Index:http://8qdots.com/search/drone/index.htmMaldives PDF Information Index:http://www.8qdots.com/search/maldives/index.htmTravel Blogger Software:https://cruisingreview.com/travel-blogger-software/
Jet Charter Link (example):https://cruisingreview.com/jet-charter-in-europe/
AirBNB Search:https://www.airbnb.com/c/gregg4298?currency=USD
Learn how to become a digital nomad:https://courses.growingupwithoutborders.com/?affcode=460657_rzg0ctut
Other Amazon Products Reviewed:Equipment For Electric Ship:Tactical Flashlight: 5 Pack Mini Flashlights LED Flashlight 300lm Adjustable Focus Zoomable Light (Black)  https://amzn.to/2TjhFEsParis Perfume:Guerlain Mon Guerlain for Women 1.0 Oz Eau De Parfum Spray, 1.0 Oz: https://amzn.to/38TYiZcGuerlain Mon Eau De Toilette Spray for Women, 3.4 Oz by Guerlain: https://amzn.to/39WNGZH Sampler 3 Guerlain Mon Eau de parfum Spray Sample Women Vial 0.02 oz/0.7 ml: https://amzn.to/38SAOnr
AirBNB Supplies for ElectricShip Provisioning and PreppersFood: Nishiki Medium Grain Rice, 80 Ounce: https://amzn.to/2VeU9v1
ElectricShip Parts [Solar and Renewable Energy Components]
  1. Richsolar 100 Watt Polycrystalline 100W 12V Solar Panel High Efficiency Poly Module RV Marine Boat Off Grid (1pc) : https://amzn.to/2TGrsVl
  2. Renogy 4Pcs 270 Watt 24 Volt Solar Panel 1080W for Off-Grid On-Grid Large Solar System, Residential Commercial House Cabin Sheds Rooftop, Multi-Panel Solar Arrays [31.40Vmp/8.6A/15A fuse/38.60Voc/43lbs/ 65x40x2 in size nominal]: https://amzn.to/32ZRhUM
  3. Renogy 100 Watt 12 Volt Monocrystalline Solar Panel: https://amzn.to/3cSlWHW
  4. Renogy Solar Panel 160 Watt 12 Volt Monocrystalline, 160W Mono: https://amzn.to/38K9nLI
  5. BougeRV 170 Watts Solar Panel, 12 Volts Monocrystalline Solar Cell Charger High Efficiency Module: https://amzn.to/2vdtlka
  6. Richsolar 170 Watt 12 Volt Moncrystalline Solar Panel High Efficiency Mono Module: https://amzn.to/2TJGqLm
  7. Richsolar 160 Watt 12V Solar Panel High Efficiency Polycrystalline Module: https://amzn.to/2xAGlkP
YouTube Cruising Review Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7gOvLwcxt8MtYt3ExzAZJQ
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2jcNOU5AqA&w=560&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlKElX_qMXg&w=560&h=315]
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